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Batanghari Regency has quite a lot of tourism potential that can be developed, such as an exotic urban forest atmosphere, a lake surrounded by bushes with a cool and comfortable atmosphere so that it becomes a special attraction for visitors to come to Batanghari Regency. The plan to develop tourism potential in Batanghari Regency has been around for a long time. However, the arrangement has only started since 2021. The Batanghari Regency Government is committed to making the tourism potential in Batanghari Regency a combination of beautiful and unique nature with local cultural wisdom so that it can improve the economy of the community. This research aims to describe the development of tourism potential in improving the community economy in Batanghari Regency and identify the obstacles faced. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained in this research was analyzed using the interactive model proposed by Miles and Huberman, including data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions.


Tourism Development, Community Economy.

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